belly button piercing keloid

i went to my piercer not too long ago because my piercing has been looking kinda weird lately. However, these skin complications may disappear within a few days or weeks. This is done by extracting the scar tissue using a scalpel and suturing the skin closed. There are factors that can lead to an infected belly button piecing and they include the following: Lack of … Intralesional cryotherapy for the treatment of keloid scars. At times though, the novelty of the piercing wears off and the excitement about it may die down. A belly button piercing scar is quite normal. Apply a pea-sized amount of silicone gel onto the scar. In case the piercing experiences some trauma during the healing process it is also likely that you will get scarring. doi:10.1097/GOX.0000000000000348, Weshahy AH, Abdel Hay R. Intralesional cryosurgery and intralesional steroid injection: a good combination therapy for treatment of keloids and hypertrophic scars. 2017;130(14):1715-1721. doi:10.4103/0366-6999.209896, Gauglitz, G. Management of keloids and hypertrophic scars: current and emerging options. If you have a navel piercing and a keloid scar forms, several treatment options are available. In case you want to get rid of it you may have to consider surgical removal which gets rid of the hypertrophic scar and leaves you with a revision scar that is less visible. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. Unlike hypertrophic scars whose scar tissue is limited to the area of injury, keloid scars develop beyond the initial site of injury. 2013;21(2):87-91. doi:10.1177/229255031302100208. Updated April 1, 2019. They are also prone to bleeding when upset. There are different types of scars that result from a piercing. As such, the best way of dealing with it by leaving in the jewelry as it will help to mask the scar. These are readily available over the counter. The inflammation could be as a result of trauma on the piercing or infection. Typical treatments for keloids include freezing, pressure, injections of corticosteroids, laser treatment, radiation or surgical removal. After you have had your piercing, you risk a scar if you do not adopt the right belly button piercing aftercare. As can be seen in both photos, the scarring extends beyond the area of the piercing. J Cutan Aesthet Surg. Write down the date you received your piercing, when the keloid began to form and when the keloid increased in size. Although surgical removal of keloids on belly button piercing may work for a while, the method is not recommended as it carries with it the risk of developing a larger keloid with time. There are different approaches of getting rid of a belly button piercing scar. It is important that if you see these, you get them treated fast. What would you do if the swelling becomes a bump that ceases to disappear? In this Video, we demonstrate how cryotherapy is applied to a large umbilical Keloid. Home; Belly Rings Shop; Belly Piercing Aftercare; All Articles; Contact; Keloid. This could be piercing through, below or over the scar tissue. It looks perfectly fine from the outside but when you lift it up it’s far from it. Before using it, ensure that you do a skin test to ascertain that you are not allergic to it. A keloid is a large lump of scar tissue that can form after your body goes through the trauma of a piercing because let's face it, regardless of your pain tolerance a piercing is a foreign body. Coffey received additional training and classes, such as anatomy, jewelry standards and aftercare, from the Association of Professional Piercers. I got my navel pierced in July. Symptoms of infection include pain, redness, and discharge from the piercing. A look at the piercing hole may show it being black inside. 520 Views. Scar revision & keloid treatment. The hole was let to close and another piercing done beside it. She is certified in principles of infection control and blood-borne pathogens. Navel Piercing Stories and Great Belly Button Rings! Apply it several times a day for several weeks and gently massage each time to absorb … They are sometimes called “a scar that doesn’t know when to stop” because the cellular information passed during the proliferation and inflammation stages in the healing process may be the culprit in this flaw. Custom made pressure appliance for presurgical sustained compression of auricular keloid. The good news if this is your situation is that re-piercing is possible. 2012;25(3):273-276. doi:10.1111/j.1529-8019.2012.01456.x, Wilson, AM. Fit the tape over the piercing and onto the scar. From various online forums, the experience of piercing through old scars varies from one person to another. However, the bump can also be triggered by nose and belly piercings. Some of the medical procedures through which you can get rid of them include pressure therapy, freezing, corticosteroid injections and laser treatments. Keloids are scar tissue that result from a hereditary condition, causing the skin to raise and turn pink or red, residing inside or around the hole of your piercing, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. Barara M, Chander R, Mendiratta V. Cryotherapy in treatment of keloids: evaluation of factors affecting treatment outcome. Bump or keloid. The scar bump can be itchy at times and is also prone to peeling. These work best on fresh scars. We explore different types of scars including hypertrophic, atrophic and keloids on belly button piercings. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. How long does it take for a keloid to heal? Your email address will not be published. Dermatol Ther. It occurs as a result of trauma on a healing piercing. Up-to-date approach to manage keloids and hypertrophic scars: a useful guide. Keloid scars. Do Belly Button Piercing Scar, Keloid, Tissue, Scar, Getting Rid of Ring Scar. I still kept it clean. A navel bump. Keloids are scar tissue that result from a hereditary condition, causing the skin to raise and turn pink or red, residing inside or around the hole of your piercing, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. University of Michigan Medicine. A common question among potential belly button piercees usually is “do belly button piercings scar?” Navel piercings are a common form of body modification. These include rosehip, tea tree oil, honey, aloe vera and lemon juice. There are several treatments to remove keloids from a body piercing and any treatments for a keloid should be administered by a licensed, professional dermatologist. NYU Langone Health. You can purchase surgical tape from your local pharmacy. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. Ask the dermatologist about risks of the treatments and the cost. Updated April 2019. Piercing growths (big or small) are never "normal," although they do occur fairly often. Whether they … That’s the bad news. In case the scars are a bit old, try belly button piercing scar removal using topical products. A lot of things can lead to a belly button piercing scar. I could even change my ring out. This type of belly button ring scar tends to be permanent and is quite common in navel piercings. Medical University of South Carolina. Sustained or increased inflammation stimulates production of collagen and placement of granulation tissue thus the scarring. In other situations though, you may be required to intervene for the scar to reduce. dove is probably the best soap you can use for belly button piercings, since it isn't made to dry your face and whatever else. There are several treatments to remove keloids from a body piercing and any treatments for a keloid should be administered by a licensed, professional dermatologist. Individuals who come from families from which keloids … Keloid Treatment Options. Keloid Belly Button Piercing Pictures To give a visual explanation of keloids on belly button piercings, below are some images. With time, this type of scar can heal on itself without any intervention being made. Hidden keloid? The belly button piercing scar tissue is visually unappealing. doi:10.2147/CCID.S35252, Shah VV, Aldahan AS, Mlacker S, Alsaidan M, Samarkandy S, Nouri K. 5-fluorouracil in the treatment of keloids and hypertrophic scars: a comprehensive review of the literature. Do not attempt to remove or lance the keloid at home. The main causes of belly button infections on the piercing include bacteria and allergic reactions. Their coloration could also fade with time making them less visible. Some people will have to bear with the scarring all through especially if they formed atrophic of keloid scars. In case you are wondering how to heal a belly button piercing, it is as simple as giving it time for the tissue to become tough enough. Leave a comment 2014;4(8):147-. doi:10.4103/2141-9248.138040, Xu J, Yang E, Yu N, Long X. Jan 8, 2020 - Explore Blanca Gomez's board "Keloid piercing" on Pinterest. Westra I, Pham H, Niessen FB. Scars tend to have different colors and textures depending on what type of scar develops as seen later on in this article. Keloids on the other hand may develop from the healing process. Re-piercing the area is not recommended once you have developed keloids. since the navel is not cartilage, scarring is rare since the flesh around the wound can be manipulated. A Belly button piercing is also likely to scar during pregnancy. Here is a small keloid on a nose piercing However, keloids can become much larger. A range of several skin injuries can lead to the keloids to form, which are some of the common reasons behind the formation of the keloids are the burns, chickenpox, wounds, vaccinations and also the piercings. Note on the paper any itching or side effects that occurred after the piercing. Another common question concerning previously pierced belly button scars is “can you pierce through scar tissue?” How suitable your belly button scar tissue is ready for this is best evaluated by a professional piercer. 2012;5(3):185-. doi:10.4103/0974-2077.101376, Rathee M, Kundu R, Tamrakar A. However, keloids may resolve and disappear without treatment. This helps to reduce the discoloration and thus diminish the visibility of the scar. Keloids. The scar will remain solid to touch and will mostly follow the jewelry’s curve. As can be seen in both photos, the scarring extends beyond the area of the piercing. At times, they will never go away completely. Belly button piercings have a higher risk because they are difficult to keep clean. As dainty as the earring may be, it is possible that your body views the piercing as an injury. In general, piercing scarring is as a result of inefficient aftercare or trauma. Prepare piercing information for a dermatologist appointment. Always clean it up twice each day. Depending on the type of scar formed, the visibility may diminish with time as it becomes flatter and lighter in color. Usually, it is caused by cartilage piercings, such as a helix, tragus, industrial, earlobe, rook and daith piercing. When this happens, most people realize that they have a visible scar to contend with. Once you are certain that the scar is well healed, you can try to use some home remedies for scars. In belly button piercings, it could result from wearing heavy jewelry before the area is completely healed, body contact during sports and wearing tight clothes around the belly as well as clothes getting caught up in the jewelry. Do not receive any additional piercings while undergoing treatments for keloids or in the future. So if you’re looking for ways to get rid of keloids, read on. Laser Therapy. A belly button piercing bump is not expected. Keloids can be found on the edges as well as inside belly button piercing. Recovery & support for scars & keloids. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open. Remove the jewelry from your piercing. This is caused by the increased growth of the tummy when pregnant and could be accompanied by stretch marks centered on the piercing. It is therefore best concealed. Menu. My piercer told me it’s a keloid and to put tea tree oil on it for about 2 months and see what happens Scars result from an overgrowth of granulation tissue cells. While normal scar tissue will feel uniform when touched, a keloid will feel firm and will grow beyond the area of the piercing. Although most commonly found on nose and ear piercings, it is also possible to get a keloid on belly button piercing. If you notice a bump forming on or around a new piercing, you have good reason to be concerned. Ask the dermatologist about treatment options. A very common concern about belly button piercing normally is; can you get a keloid on your belly button piercing? Piercings are one of the skin injuries known to cause keloids. We appreciate every single one of you! Avoid any elective cosmetic procedures is you have a history of developing keloids. beautynew To avoid getting them, it is best to take proper care of the area after piercing. The result is excess tissue which is not broken down or reabsorbed causing it to grow in all directions as opposed to it growing only where it is wanted. Thank you guys so much for watching this video please make sure to subscribe, like and comment! Keloids are the raised parts of skin that area brought about by the overgrowth of the belly button piercing scar tissue. Now that we know it is possible for the piercing to scar, does the scar ever go away? This type of scarring involves formation of a depression or pitting. While these characteristics are most visible immediately the scar forms, the visibility diminishes with time. Keloid scars. Belly Button Piercing Keloid 2: In this image, the piercee had an initial piercing done and a keloid developed. A belly button piercing scar is therefore bound to occur when there is increased inflammation on the healing wound. In most cases, the overproduction results from uncontrolled signals emanating from the wound cells. Topical silicone sheet application in the treatment of hypertrophic scars and keloids. This causes an interruption in the process resulting in production of more granulation tissue. Rub the gel into the scar for two to three minutes twice a day. Generally, the best way to keep off scarring complications from belly button piercing is to follow the aftercare instructions given. 2016;6(2):169-183. doi:10.1007/s13555-016-0118-5, Stephanides S, Rai S, August PJ, Ferguson JE, and Madan V. Treatment of refractory keloids with pulsed dye laser alone and with rotational pulsed dye laser and intralesional corticosteroids. As can be noted, the scar tissue is limited to the area of the piercing and can easily be concealed with jewelry. What may differ is its visibility depending on size and color. Where you feel a need to get rid of the piercing scar, you can talk to your dermatologist to take you through laser resurfacing to fill in the void. These are most appropriate for scarring that extended after pregnancy. Okay so I have 5 weeks with my piercing and I'm cleaning it but I have a bump under neath the top hole and I think it's a keloid but I'm scared that it could be it. Avoid tight clothes and those with waist bands. Radiation therapy in keloids treatment. 2014;40(7):1255-1266. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2014.02.011. See more ideas about Keloid, Nose piercing care, Keloid piercing. Do belly button piercings scar? Harvard Medical School Harvard Health Publishing. Burns. Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. The good news is that if you suffer from piercing related keloid scars, they are treatable. After 2 months it was perfectly fine. I changed my ring out after two months but that same day I cleaned my original jewelry and put the jewelry I started with back in. Keloids often develop after piercings. As seen in most pics around the internet, hypertrophic scars are easy to deal with and can be easily concealed with jewelry. While this is a great way out in such cases, what happens to persons whose holes may have closed up as a result of rejection, migration, or during pregnancy? // Leaf Group Lifestyle, How to Minimize Scarring With Monroe Piercings, Pub Med: Keloid: A case report and review of pathophysiology and differences between keloid and hypertrophic scars. It forms a patch filled with blood vessels which form a network to distribute nutrients and oxygen straight to the healing area. As a result, it is replaced with a fibrous tissue which has totally different characteristics with the rest of the skin. Most people assume right away that their growth is a keloid, but the majority actually aren't. A scar is characterized by the presence of purple or red fibrous tissue that is firm. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). During the healing period of a piercing and after the piercing is healed, you may encounter a keloid on and around your new piercing. Where the above options fail, you can discuss various medical procedures with your dermatologist. It could be as a result of the migration of a piercing. Depending on their findings, the piercer will determine how fit you are for a re-piercing and how best they should do it. Since scar tissue is tougher than normal tissue, the process could yield more pain than the initial one. A qualified plastic surgeon can get rid of the scarring as well as the belly button piercing hole. in most cases, they’re not keloids and are actual hypertrophic scars. Ensure that you wear appropriate clothes that will facilitate healing. Keloids on piercing should not be confused with redness and swelling that comes along with this process. 2016;9(10):28-35. Please somebody help I'm scared. Belly button piercings scar but not all scars are usually visible. Wash your hands. Keloid scars are visible scars that can form during the healing process post-piercing. There are many causes of scar formation on the body, one of which is body piercing. In case you wish to try something at home, tea tree oil is known to contain effective restorative properties. Belly button piercing scar, keloids, bumps and infection are some of the dangerous outcomes of a belly button piercing healing process that has not been taken proper good care of. Coffey aims to educate about safe tattooing and piercing practices while writing for various websites. Researchers also add that there are inherent risks of injuries, belly button piercing scars, keloid formation, piercing rejection, stretch from weight gain or pregnancy, among other minor discomforts. Keep the jewelry simple and stay away from dangling and heavy rings. Piercings are one of the skin injuries known to cause keloids. Products containing onion extract, and silicone are known to work on scars. van Leeuwen MCE, Bulstra AEJ, Ket JCF, Ritt MJPF, van Leeuwen PAM, Niessen FB. 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