silent treatment is abuse

It can include anything from verbal abuse to the silent treatment, domination to subtle manipulation. Note: While the abuser is often referred to as 'he' in this article, this is simply for ease of reading. Reacting to the silent treatment requires sensitivity, openness, understanding, and a good dose of humility. … I am unable to say if this is partly responsible for the obsessive behavior you are displaying towards this gentleman. Consider sharing your feelings and thoughts from your vantage point. This generally resulted in him buying me flowers, I would then try to explain that rather than buy me flowers, which are nice, I would still prefer that he took the bins out. If you’re on the receiving end of the silent treatment and you want to handle things with dignity, what’s to be done? But the silent treatment doesn’t assert those boundaries in a healthy way. Silent treatment as a form of abuse is very specific. Moral wounds have this peculiarity—they may be hidden, but they never close; always painful, always ready to bleed when touched, they remain fresh and open in the heart. The passive-agressive went active I see now. Even superficial actions, such as avoiding eye contact or staring straight through you, are enough to make you feel invisible and insignificant. Simply write down how you are feeling. While emotional abuse can be undertaken in isolation, statistics indicate that 95% of men who physically abuse their partners also use psychological abuse. On the other hand, if I was angry at him and confronted him about something he did, he would lie even if I had proof and somehow turn it against me and make me feel guilty for even mentioning it. The silent treatment is a punishment common in relationships, when one partner completely ignores the other, going through their day as if they were no longer there. Whether you realise it or not, you are being punished. It is perfectly natural for couples to disagree and need some time alone to reflect and gather their thoughts. Now, I have a different view, when I cook dinner for someone I love, it is an act of love in itself and I would wish to produce a meal to the best of my ability that shows that. If you still fall foul, instead of a bunch of flowers, try tackling the laundry basket. If he genuinely has a fear of confrontation, then you may be able to help him discover positive methods for resolving conflict. Refusing to listen, talk or respond to a partner is sometimes called “the silent treatment.” Many people cut off their partners emotionally to hurt, punish, or manipulate them. Seems all classic narcissistic but it turned out she has been diagnosed a half year later with Autism/Asperger-syndrom. But if they continue giving you the silent treatment for a prolonged period of days or more, it’s right that you express how that makes you feel. All Rights Reserved | Contact Us | Privacy Policy, Why The Silent Treatment Equates to Emotional Abuse & How To Respond. It would usually go on for about 3 weeks at a time. My daughter noticed it & when she was 13 or so, she told me I shouldn't put up with it as it is a form of domestic violence. The silent treatment is usually a form of punishment which can be “torturous” for you, but very effective in its effects. This means that your husband has less control over what you do and who you meet. Vicarious ostracism. Just at a time I'd lost my job and had serious health issues. You sound like a smart lady who deserves so much better. It sounds as if you are reading far more into the 'relationship' you had with him than he is. It's time for you to take control. People generally resort to using the silent treatment as a means of placing them in a position of control (often because they feel helpless in the face of their situations, their feelings, etc.). Not surprising then that I felt worn out and unappreciated. Do I deserve this? But if the silent treatment is a regular occurrence, they may start to wonder if anything they do is right. Communication is a vital aspect if any relationship. As you noted sometimes the "silent treatment" is a "cooling off" period where a person knows it's pointless to start talking right now unless having a major fight is the goal. Get expert help in dealing with the silent treatment. If, once you have said what needs to be said from steps 1 and 2 above, you go about your life in an emotionally level way, not reacting to their silence, you teach them that their approach is not going to give them the results they seek. The fundamental goal of emotionally abusive behavior is to control the victim by discrediting, isolating and silencing them, making them feel trapped and incapable of leaving. Not having developed the necessary skills to deal with this in a constructive manner will make this process totally alien and uncomfortable for them. I kept self doubting and not sure ... what is real that these things are so subtle before you know it ... your life is upside down and the “unrecognisable waves of emotions” made me feel overwhelmed and in the wrong. In the meantime, delete all of his contact information and do not make any attempt to contact him. If you are ready to talk things out, open up a dialogue. Chat online to a relationship expert from Relationship Hero who can help you figure things out. A narcissist uses the silent treatment to abuse their victim. If they come back to the table and open up a dialogue within a reasonable time, then the message got through and they feel appeased by your gesture. Without knowing your background, it is difficult to provide a definitive reply. “Listen, I have tried to give you some space to allow you to work through what it is you are feeling, but I really want to resolve the situation before it drags on much longer. Question: My wife gives me the silent treatment when making plans with family or friends. I kept my promise, but my ex boyfriend would always give me the silent treatment. I can't get out. In this case, remaining quiet is a way to cope with the situation and the person. He then stopped talking to me. Any attempt to discuss how I felt resulted in him stalking off and claiming that he was being nagged, he would then be surprised that when he was ready to talk (read wants me to do something for him), that he got the cold shoulder. Of course, the person doing the silencing sees this as justification for their actions. Have you considered that your partners may have found you intimidating and thought it best to let the dust settle? Question: My husband has been giving me the silent treatment for about one month because I got myself a job. His behavior suggests he has broken up with me. It’s a means of exerting control over the someone. It is passive-aggressive behavior intended to hurt the other person; It shows a lack of … Wound up in therapy with my ex husband, where he admitted that he messed up anything that I asked for help with in the hope of not being asked for help in future. All couples argue, but this is taking matters to an unhealthy level. Answer: Yes, the silent treatment is a type of emotional abuse. I guess neither of us actually wanted to deal with each other at the time, and I would add this to your list of reasons. Question: Who gives a week of silent treatment after a big or petty fight? On the face of it, he is in the wrong as he refuses to discuss matters with you. Question: My partner used to give me the silent treatment, but eventually I threw him out. In this video, I discuss how the silent treatment is used a form of emotional abuse and what to do when its being used against you. Get expert help in dealing with the silent treatment. I felt almost sick and I was so stressed out that I found it hard to perform even routine tasks. He also appears unmoved by your tears and may even be pleased that you are feeling so distressed. It is usually used to express contempt or disappr… It will never end well and may prove to be an extremely costly lesson. So eventually he caved and left but he remains angrier than a hornet about it. Nobody likes to think of themselves as abusing another person. As Schulman notes, 'Refusing to speak to someone without terms for repair is a strange, childish act of destruction in which nothing can be won'. You don't do it to punish or hurt your partner. Of course, if they really did do something to cause hurt, they should try not to do it again. Will you keep it up for a specific length of time? I had screen shots of those messages and was still made to feel like it was all in my head. Also, him referring to you as being, 'mentally ill,' is another form of abuse, commonly referred to as 'gaslighting.' It doesn’t communicate precisely what the boundary was or what the other person did to cross it. The Narcissist and the Silent Treatment Most likely though, it's attributable to a combination of the above factors. You can also communicate that extended periods of silence—without terms for when they will end—are hurtful to you, and you won't stand for it. dashingscorpio from Chicago on June 14, 2017: I wonder how many men have ever had to deal with the "silent treatment" from their female mate or spouse. Put on some music, watch your favourite film or try out a new recipe. But giving someone the silent treatment can be a form of abuse for these reasons. Answer: You need to seek professional help so that you can discuss your circumstances in greater detail. Even though you may be oblivious to what you are supposed to have done, you will find yourself apologising. Perhaps you could agree to sit down for an hour each week, so that you can both discuss any burning issues that you may have. This page contains affiliate links. Firstly, you should seek medical advice, to help with your PTSD. Question: How long is considered normal to put up with the silent treatment in a relationship? I did some research and realized she was right. In fact, victims of psychological abuse are more likely to suffer from the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than victims of physical abuse. Why is he giving me the silent treatment when I wasn't the person he argued with? Last time, it took three days for his "silent retreat" to end. If you’re unsure, it helps to ask these questions of yourself: 1. He went to see someone to help joke deal with it, and it was good for a while. Nonetheless, this should not be confused with being given the silent treatment. But that power is largely something that your actions give them. In my relationship I used the silent treatment with my boyfriend when we first dating because he treated me with disrespect and I feel like you know what I'll show you how to treat a woman right and it works. The silent treatment is a common punishment in many relationships. It all depends upon the individuals and their underlying motives. Ultimately if I ever had anyone do it for days I'd probably start making my own exit plans. Any trauma that generates similar emotions to the ones you experienced in your childhood can cause painful memories to resurface. This doubt can stop them from acting freely in the future. And so you stop all communication, you stonewall them, and you do so to punish them. More importantly, however, this gives you an outlet to communicate your experience to third parties who care about your wellbeing and will help you get an outside perspective on what is happening in your relationship. He tried to break me and get me to leave but I refused. We’ve argued about this so many times that it’s so exhausting. There is a middle ground to visit a relationship counselor, but it's unclear if your wife would be receptive to this. Ignoring someone in this way can be extremely hurtful. Remember that much of what makes the silent treatment abusive is a lack of terms for re-opening dialogue. He's childish as well and is always lying. Moreover, it helps you notice further abusive behavior in the future and helps give you the strength to leave should it be necessary. Taking time out of a relationship can be a healthy activity, if done in the correct way and with the correct intent. Question: A man I met has been giving me the silent treatment for 5 years. You need to stop moping and stop crying. Answer: You seem to suggest that you are not communicating with your partner because he or she behaves aggressively towards you. Treat silence with silence. I told him that, it was because it was such hard work. Finally, if your partner is simply having a prolonged period of sulking, then the best thing to do is to keep yourself busy. Till this happened to me and I started searching for anwsers. It has now been 3 months since I've left him and haven't had a single anxiety attack since. It Is Not Cooling Off He is repudiating your very existence and denying your feelings and needs. We see her parents every weekend and I have no issues with that. Or the incessant invalidating of your experience, perceptions, viewpoints, feelings and needs. In fact when I think about it the word "passive aggressive" is usually applied towards men by women and not vice versa. If you do, then you need to work on changing the dynamic of your relationship. Similarly, you may well be overly-sensitive about certain issues, but his refusal to discuss your concerns is only serving to heighten them. I used to get so upset with him I would start yelling. Perhaps they have shown remorse and tried to make amends, but it wasn’t quite what you’d imagined in your head while you were off ruminating. What do you think I should do? I always felt like I deserved the treatment because I as made to feel like I was always in the wrong. This helps you feel more supported and less lonely. 4. Tell him that you would appreciate his help and support, especially as he seems to cope so well. It says to her I am responsible and want to lessen your burden, even if it is only a means to get the best from your wife in the bedroom, after all a less tired and stressed wife is more grateful. I receive a commission if you choose to purchase anything after clicking on them. If your partner doesn't go with you, then go alone. Am I right to think this? Question: My boyfriend of 10 years had a minor disagreement with my mother. Emotional abuse is any type of abuse that is not physical in nature. I would imagine that a lot of the silent treatment is given because some husbands are simply not receptive to the idea of communication that does not involve sex, Here is an idea to avert the silent treatment, listen to what your wife says and do your share to the best of your ability. Most reasonable people would probably not even consider a 9 hour car journey, if they were not speaking to their partner. Sometimes, yes, the other person is entirely in the wrong. As stated in the article, there are other reasons why people may not be willing to engage. You want them to feel bad for making you feel bad. Silent treatment is a method that works both way if you use it right it's a good reason to rebuilt the relationship - cool off time - don't we all need it. However, you both need to establish boundaries. Of course, if you have said or done something to upset them, you should apologize sincerely, but you should only do so once. Many people disregard the indiscriminate types of abuse - thank you for exposing this topic. Sometimes the silent treatment is possibly the only thing that will work, it is often employed where attempts at communication are seen as nothing more than nagging. In dysfunctional relationships, your partner exiles you over the most frivolous of matters. Maybe not straight away, of course, but sooner or later. Question: The first time any partner gives me the silent treatment, it's all over. He becomes enraged if he believes that you have challenged his authority or disrespected him in some way. Life is too short to deal with B.S. I understand that you may need some time to cool off and process what happened, but I’m here to talk about it as soon as you’re ready.”. He says it wasn't his decision to leave and refuses to accept responsibility for it. Constructive criticism does not exist in his warped world. In a toxic relationship where one party meets any attempt at conflict resolution with an escalation of aggression – and does so on a persistent basis – silence is perfectly acceptable. Domestic violence and emotional abuse are frequently experienced together. When it’s used regularly as a power play, it can make you feel rejected or excluded. This type of behaviour is also referred to as 'stonewalling' or 'ostracising'. The person who is being victimized can tell the difference. When I was younger I used the silent treatment. Arguments of this nature are never pleasant (what argument is? The best predictor of divorce isn’t whether a couple fights – arguments are inevitable – but how a couple fights. Given that he knew that I did not invite my friends for meals because of the amount of work involved, you would have thought he might be grateful enough to share some of the burden of the work. H tried to make me think I was going crazy like I imagined those text messages I found on his phone to another woman. It may also be possible that he has genuine concerns about your wellbeing or for the welfare of your family. Answer: It's not beyond the realms of possibility. At the same time, it is related not only to an expression of passive violence but also to a concealed strategy of psychological abuse. Am I being too harsh? Some things are inexcusable. Typically, cooling off is time-bound and you know why it is being done. In addition to causing distress, being ignored and excluded threatens your basic psychological needs of belonging, self-esteem, control and meaningful existence. Though it may not leave easily identifiable physical evidence in the way that physical abuse does, emotional abuse is nevertheless very real and very harmful. Simply, How To Deal With A Husband Who Won’t Talk To You About Anything, 12 Examples Of Passive-Aggressive Behavior In A Relationship, How To Fight Fair In A Relationship: 10 Rules For Couples To Follow, 4 Types Of Emotional Blackmail Manipulators Use Against You, How To Respond To Guilt Trips And Stop Someone Guilt Tripping You, 6 Nonverbal Ways You Are Pushing Your Partner Away. A good way to approach this is to imagine that it was a friend who was in your situation. You may associate the heartache of being ignored by your husband, with feelings of abandonment, abuse or neglect, that you may have suffered as a child. In cases where a partner is unable to change, it is safer to step away from the fire than it is to put it out. I also raised the issue of him refusing to discuss any major issues with me. As a consequence of this, he refuses to acknowledge or communicate with you. Some people genuinely have a fear of confrontation and prefer to avoid it... 2. Do it now, before he destroys you completely. Silence works to make the other person back down, to admit fault, to feel diminished, and so they continue to use it, much to the dismay of the other person. It may range from just sulking to malevolent abusive controlling behaviour.It may be a passive-aggressive form of emotional abuse in which displeasure, disapproval and contempt is exhibited through nonverbal gestures while maintaining verbal silence. Have you asked him to help you not feel so upset and stressed out? That’s why the solution approach above should be coupled with a clear message that you accept their feelings for what they are, but that your feelings are just as valid. That can include things like admitting that if someone is upset that they might just need some time to cool off first before talking it out. The silent treatment is your partner's way of telling you that you have done something wrong. This abusive behavior can continue on for days, weeks, months, or years at a time; and when deliberate, it is a form of mental, emotional, and psychological abuse! He becomes emotionally detached and distances himself from you by ignoring your very existence. Eventually, there must come a point where you say enough is enough. It's making me ill and question where we go. You're not left in limbo and know exactly why you and your partner are having some quiet time. From there, I ignored him as much as possible and focused on doing things I know he doesn't like and more or less laughed at him - I turned it against him. ), but they will come and they will go, leaving perhaps a new understanding in their wake. Search for one where you live. How do I protect myself from losing it? In doing so, your partner is attempting to induce feelings of powerlessness and shame. Alternatively, he may refuse to attend joint social events, with the full knowledge that this will cause you great inconvenience or embarrassment. There is nothing you can do to change that, or get those years back. Chances are, provided with a meaningful solution to whatever came between you, they’d engage with the process of reconciliation. If you really can't manage the laundry without dying everything pink, or shrinking or burning clothes, then get it professionally laundered. We have 3 kids and it would be hard to leave. Silence during this time is no bad thing as it can prevent you from saying or doing things you later regret. He knows that dialogue will not recommence until he feels that you have been sufficiently punished for your misdemeanours. ", "Never love anyone who treats you like you're ordinary.". It is best to stop giving any credence to such people’s tantrums and let them know in clear words, that you have had enough. Question: I am giving my partner the silent treatment. If he doesn't talk to you, perhaps you could write him a short letter. Meyer ML, Williams KD, Eisenberger NI. You invariably find yourself adopting the role of peacemaker. The silent treatment is a strategy frequently used by people who appear to possess great self-control and claim to be more rational than emotional. Thank you so much for this wonderful, helpful article! My partner use to have a terrible temper, screaming and shouting in an agreement. Then there is the effect it can have on a person’s self-esteem. It may begin in a subtle fashion and there is frequently no discernible trigger for it. — Sarah Schulman, 'Conflict Is Not Abuse'. Wesselmann ED, Williams KD, Hales AH. She always has a reason robber upset. However, don't confuse this with periods of 'cooling off' or taking 'time out.' Just be clear with them that you will not accept this kind of treatment much longer, and then follow through when you feel you’ve done all you can. Remember, a big part of the silent treatment is the power it gives the person who wields it. I encourage her to spend time with her friends and family. Your Partner May Be Avoiding Confrontation Something tells me that men don't consider the silent treatment to be a form of abuse. Still not sure how to handle the silent treament? Hence, you may find that he delays or refuses to complete chores, knowing that this will upset or irritate you. There are also instances when a victim of abuse is silent as a way to stay safe and keep an already abusive situation from escalating. How do i leave,while he is at work just go. Every message, telephone call or text you send is met with utter contempt. It's his loss. This is because the 'silent treatment', also known as emotional withholding, is actually a form of passive-aggressive abuse. I don’t feel it a silent treatment when a person who has a casual relationship to your life decides to verbally dump on you. Question: Who could give 9 hours silent treatment in a car? When one party takes a temporary oath of silence after a disagreement, it is their way of telling the other person, “You did this. Occasionally, it can just take someone starting a dialogue with something along the lines of 'Hey, I know you're upset with me right now. The silent treatment can be defined as the following: a passive-aggressive form of emotional abuse in which displeasure, disapproval, and contempt is … Cooling off is usually implemented as a constructive means of finding a solution to problems that you and your partner may be having. Seek out a professional. This is an extremely important step, especially if your partner is not as responsive and respectful as they should be. This works a lot better than suggesting they are blowing things out of proportion. The silent treatment is abuse because: 1. So rather than, “Why are you making such a big deal out of this?” opt for something more conciliatory such as: “I see that you are feeling hurt and that you’ve pulled away. 'In order to "protect" ourselves by keeping our lives small and shutting out intimacies, we could actually be hurting ourselves, missing out on a transformative experience of the heart, and sabotaging our small but crucial contribution to making peace'. Failing this, you should seriously consider visiting a counselor. This is used to resolve problems in a relationship, whereas the silent treatment is used as a form of punishment. The effects of abuse are rarely instantaneous. She won’t talk to me for weeks and it’s always my fault. National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The effects of emotional abuse are frequently underestimated. They're usually advised to "walk away" rather than explode. Dina Sostarec from Osijek, Croatia on July 23, 2019: Thank you for such an informative article. Even when you do remember, the fallout is disproportionate to the alleged offence. Silent treatment is a form of abuse Being given the silent treatment can have torturous consequences says Dr Colm O’Connor, in his weekly column The silent treatment is when your spouse or partner angrily shuts-down and disengages from you. There are many domestic abuse charities that will provide you with free, confidential advice and support. His sense of control is derived from maintaining silence. If you're up to it, I'm ready to hear your side of the story and what you have to say'. Additionally, by burying his head in the sand, your partner is not resolving any problems and may be building up feelings of resentment towards you. It is effectively telling the other person that they deserve this much punishment for what they did. I once heard someone say that the person who is the least emotionally invested in the relationship controls it. In which case, you can simply say: “I wish we could figure out what’s wrong.”, “I’m sure, if we put our heads together and talk about this, we can come up with a solution that makes us both happy.”. My guess is if and when it does happen (men) just roll with it or go off to hang out with friends. Question: Could the silent treatment, that my husband gives me, be triggering my PTSD from my childhood? This happened at the end of our relationship. How do we reach a middle ground as both extremes makes me rebellious and I will fight back or be spiteful when this happens. When disagreements occur, of course you are going to have some... 3. Question: My husband has given me the silent treatment throughout our 25-year marriage. He sounds like a real catch...doesn't he? A disconnect can be so clear that, in the interests of prudence, each party goes off to their respective psychological corners to reflect, regroup, then resume with a mutual desire for clarity. He never forgives or forgets anything and his anger is what drives him. You are to blame. For instance, if they do any of the above, the conversation will be over and you will leave the room. Why would he give me the silent treatment for five years? What distinguishes this silence from the silent treatment is that the timeout is mindful and there is an assumption or agreement that they will revisit the topic again later. The more you reach out to him, the more self-righteous he becomes. I am a very reasonable, compassionate and caring person I would not ever want to hurt anyone physically or emotionally and so some people think they can just step all over you - and then sometimes you will show them it's unacceptable and silent treatment can be used to let them understand that and next time they learn to communicate better. To see my friends or family to what you have anywhere safe where you could write him a letter. Tidying up or wash the dishes answer: it is so typical of him be. Had a minor disagreement with my ex boyfriend would always give me the silent.... It tears down your sense of control and to punish you dialogue with,! Above, the silent treament to finally jolt them into change ( it. Took three days for his `` silent treatment should you attempt to control person! By it as well was the victim of emotional abuse: without wishing to appear harsh, you be. Because it was all in my head I 'm ready to hear your side of the abuse and be... 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