cicero philippics 2 translation

As it turned out, it was — and... Cicero here revisits the tense period right after Caesar’s assassination, 15–17 March. 40But the fact that the same man finds fault with my melancholy, and also with my jokes, is a great proof that I was very moderate in each particular. O the disastrous fecundity of that miserable woman! What were the circumstances of his return from thence? I suppose Milo was a man of such a disposition that he was not able to do a service to the republic if he had not some one to advise him to do it. For although in the very consciousness of a glorious action there is a certain reward, still I do not consider immortality of glory a thing to be despised by one who is himself mortal. 39But what that extraordinary and almost godlike man thought of me is known to those men who pursued him to Paphos from the battle of Pharsalia. I know that I am only speaking of matters which have been discussed in every one’s conversation, and that the things which I am saying and am going to say are better known to every one who was in Italy at that time, than to me, who was not. You are not afraid of the courts of justice. writings of which there are imitators who sell their forgeries as openly as if they were gladiators’ playbills. a man who, even without the assistance of these other most illustrious men, would have accomplished this same deed in Cilicia, at the mouth of the river Cydnus, if Cæsar had brought his ships to that bank of the river which he had intended, and not to the opposite one. a man whom I should not have ventured even to advise. And I advise you to consider carefully what you intend to do with reference to this bond. No one has ever made me his heir except he was a friend of mine, in order that my grief of mind for his loss might be accompanied also with some gain, if it was to be considered as such. From thence he made a journey to Alexandria, in defiance of the authority of the senate, and against the interests of the republic, and in spite of religious obstacles; but he had Gabinius for his leader, with whom whatever he did was sure to be right. It was a great kindness! XVII. Philippics, 2. Then he was a good man, and one worthy of the republic. 110XLIII. Grant that you could have slain him, is not this, O conscript fathers, such a kindness as is done by banditti, who are contented with being able to boast that they have granted their lives to all those men whose lives they have not taken? Now mark, also, his incredible folly. Having for many years aimed at being a king, he had with great labour, and much personal danger, accomplished what he intended. My colleague too, your own uncle, would have called himself so. But what shall we say of you? )—still, who was it most natural to expect would fight against the children of Cnæus Pompeius? the most honourable passage in whose life is the one when he divorced himself from this actress. Learn. Cæsar departs to Spain, having granted you a few days delay for making the payment, on account of your poverty. And what was his home? For you had not picked it up when lying on the ground, but you had brought it from home with you, a premeditated and deliberately planned wickedness. Antony merits comparison with Caesar in one respect only: the desire to wield power at all cost (dominandi cupiditas), which makes him a tyrant. That, indeed, was proper. Philippica I: Philippica II: Philippica III: Philippica IV: Philippica V: Philippica VI Although there could not be provided checks enough, nor were the books able to contain their names. And while these men are standing at this very time in the sight of the senate with drawn swords, I too will think you an eloquent man if you will show how you would defend them if they were charged with being assassins. Cruel and miserable was the way in which you led your soldiers into the towns; shameful was the pillage in every city, of gold and silver, and above all, of wine. It follows that in your opinion they are deliverers of their country, since there can be no other alternative. Want compelled him; he did not know where to turn. Were these the men to seek counsel from the ancestors of others rather than from their own? He used the ritual phrase that calls for postponement:alio diemeans ‘Sorry, just got a communiqué from above: let’s reconvene to repeat the proceedingson another day’. Can any one then fear a man who was as timid as this man in upholding his party, that is, in upholding his own fortunes? Wills he annulled; though they have been at all times held sacred even in the case of the very meanest of the citizens. What alarm was yours on that memorable day! You have said that Publius Clodius was slain by my contrivance. Many months before, he said in the senate that he would either prevent the comitia from assembling for the election of Dolabella by means of the auspices, or that he would do what he actually did do. In § 47 Cicero announced that he intends to treat the portion of Antony’s biography that falls in-between his depravities as a teenager and the role he played in the civil war cursorily:ad haec enim quae in civili bello, in maximis rei publicae miseriis fecit, et ad ea quae cotidie facit, festinat animus.Barely three paragraphs later, we reach this moment. a sum lamentable indeed, as to the means by which it was procured, but still one which, if it were not restored to those to whom it belonged, might save us from taxes. For he had finished the business before any one could suspect that he was going to do it. When was such wickedness ever heard of as existing upon earth? But you, who have never been injured by me, not even by a word, in order to appear more audacious than Catiline more frantic than Clodius, have of your own accord attacked me with abuse, and have considered that your alienation from me would be a recommendation of you to impious citizens. I tell you, O conscript fathers, that a lot of buffoons and actresses have been settled in the district of Campania. Key Concepts: Terms in this set (47) visne igitur te inspiciamus a puero? I was desirous, if I could, to be of service to the republic even before the first of January. He is quiet. 84But take notice of the arrogance and insolence of the fellow. 1.1.1 >>Cic. For I confess that you could have done it. Spell. And I beg of you, though they are far better known to you than they are to me, still to listen attentively, as you are doing, to my relation of them. Shall we then examine your conduct from the time when you were a boy? Phil.]. And do you dare taunt me with the name of that man whose friend you admit that I was, and whose assassin you confess yourself? This dimension of Roman culture is not easy to get one’s head around: its... Cicero hammers away at Antony’s seemingly incomplete understanding of the nuances of Rome’s augural law and the different remits it offered to augurs and consuls (as well as other magistrates) — before shifting his focus halfway through from Antony’s ignorance to his impudence. And what a return was that of yours from Narbo? Are you ignorant that yesterday was the fourth day of the Roman games in the Circus? For, at the time when Cnæus Pompeius and Quintus Hortensius named me as augur, after I had been wished for as such by the whole college, (for it was not lawful for me to be put in nomination by more than two members of the college,) you were notoriously insolvent, nor did you think it possible for your safety to be secured by any other means than by the destruction of the republic. I, who had no connexion with him, acted by his counsels while I was consul. Still my indignation shall find a voice. Oh the incredible audacity! If he was severe, why was he not so to every one? In his treatiseOn Duties, Cicero explains the reasons for the catastrophic self-laceration of republican Rome as follows (Off. I approve of none of those things. that was otherwise than friendly? That camp was in truth full of anxiety, but although men are in great difficulties, still, provided they are men, they sometimes relax their minds. otherwise called the … Nor was I so inexperienced in and ignorant of this nature of things, as to be disheartened on account of a fondness for life, which while it endured would wear me out with anguish, and when brought to an end would release me from all trouble. illud tamen audaciae tuae quod sedisti in quattuordecim ordinibus, cum esset lege Roscia decoctoribus certus locus constitutus, quamvis quis fortunae vitio, non suo decoxisset. or such shamelessness? Arrange matters in this way at last, O consul; pronounce the cause of the Bruti, of Caius Cassius, of Cnæus Domitius, of Caius Trebonius and the rest to be whatever you please to call it: sleep off that intoxication of yours, sleep it off and take breath. Shall I call them Cascas, or Ahalas? Was it for this that Lucius Tarquinius was driven out; that Spurius Cassius, and Spurius Mælius, and Marcus Manlius were slain; that many years afterwards a king might be established at Rome by Marcus Antonius, though the bare idea was impiety? What reason did you allege to the Roman people why it was desirable that he should be restored? Dolabella was present at all these battles. with what face do you do this? The paragraph falls into two halves. Did you not also desert him in the matter of the septemvirate? And his fate indeed awaits you, as it also awaited Caius Curio; since that is now in your house which was fatal to each of them. I wish you would try, and we should not then be forced to say “barely.” However, what a splendid progress of yours that was! 105What noble discussions used to take place in that villa! Well, this concerned the common interests of the whole party. For what is more insane than, after you yourself have taken up arms to do mischief to the republic, to reproach another with having taken them up to secure its safety? Phil. But how blind is avarice! 46And at that time what misery of that most flourishing family did I allay, or rather did I remove! In that man were combined genius, method, memory, literature, prudence, deliberation, and industry. 117XLVI. But who are they whom Antonius does consult? 20And yet you are a little to be blamed for your failure in that instance, too. While he was alive he deprived him of all these things; now that he is dead, he gives them back again. It was one of the ways by which the winners were able to reward the loyalty of their supporters, many of whom (according to Cicero) joined Caesar’s cause precisely in the expectation that it would prove financially beneficial. He reiterates hisa-fortioriconviction: if Caesar was considered intolerable, Antony surely too. XXII. At one time he says, “that it appears to him to be just, . The political context for the Second Philippic is as follows. Was there any one to whom he was more attached? Phil. To what destiny of mine, O conscript fathers, shall I say that it is owing, that none for the last twenty years has been an enemy to the republic without at the same time declaring war against me? 106When going from thence to Rome he approached Aquinum, a pretty numerous company (for it is a populous municipality) came out to meet him. 97XXXVIII. Although you are devoid of all sense and all feeling,—as in truth you are,—still you are acquainted with yourself, and with your trophies, and with your friends. To what destiny of mine, O conscript fathers, shall I say that it is owing, that none for the last twenty years has been an enemy to the republic without at the same time declaring war against me? I have replied to your heaviest accusations, I must now also reply to the rest of them. tenesne memoria praetextatum te … what had you heard? 112XLIV. Was he victorious without my assistance? What could be more foul than this? I am afraid that I may be detracting from the glory of some most eminent men. 68Oh the cruel audacity! Were you afraid that we might think that you could have turned out as infamous as you are by the mere force of nature, if your natural qualities had not been strengthened by education? the fourteen orations of m. t. cicero against marcus antonius, called philippics. qui ordo clarissimis civibus bene gestae rei publicae testimonium multis, mihi uni conservatae dedit. Read all 'Patris', inquiam, -, - say sagen dire dire decir 'Patris', inquies, (gen.), inquietis restless, impatient; full of tumult unruhig, ungeduldig, voller Lärm agité, impatient ; complètement du tumulte irrequieto, impaziente, pieno di tumulto agitado, impaciente; por completo del tumulto 'Patris', Add note 'Patris', inquies, iste, ista, … As long as the race of men, as long as the name of the Roman people shall exist, (and that, unless it is prevented from being so by your means, will be everlasting,) so long will that most mischievous interposition of your veto be spoken of. For in such cases as this, it is not the mere knowledge of such actions that ought to excite the mind, but the recollection of them also. 77XXXI. He was fortunate—if at least there can be any good fortune in wickedness. What shall I say of the two Servilii? Write. You wise and considerate man, what do you say to this? Why do not they who are in similar misfortune enjoy a similar degree of your mercy? What a well-tried citizen! It is Antonius, again, who has deprived you of them. It ultimately led to Cicero’s own gruesome death. Then, when you had recruited your resources again by his largesses and your own robberies, (if, indeed, a person can be said to recruit, who only acquires something which he may immediately squander,) you hastened, being again a beggar, to the tribuneship, in order that in that magistracy you might, if possible, behave like your friend. I say nothing of how false, how trivial these pretences were; especially when there could not possibly be any reasonable cause whatever to justify any one in taking up arms against his country. There was an immense quantity of wine, an excessive abundance of very valuable plate, much precious apparel, great quantities of splendid furniture, and other magnificent things in many places, such as one was likely to see belonging to a man who was not indeed luxurious, but who was very wealthy. 85Your colleague was sitting in the rostra, clothed in purple robe, on a golden chair, wearing a crown. For what did I determine, what did I contrive, what did I do, that was not determined, contrived, or done, by the counsel and authority and in accordance with the sentiments of this order? The speeches were delivered in … And how was it, that when you owed forty millions of sesterces on the fifteenth of March, you had ceased to owe them by the first of April? Those things are quite countless which were purchased of different people, not without your knowledge; but there was one excellent decree posted up in the Capitol affecting king Deiotarus, a most devoted friend to the Roman people. Subsequent events, he argues, proved him right. All Rights Reserved. The paragraph falls into two halves: in the first (Quid ego … cliens esse), Cicero continues to belabour the theme of Antony’s maltreatment of local communities in Italy that happened to pique his anger, though thepraeteritio-mode he now adopts suggests that he is starting to run out of steam. yes indeed I think so, let us start from the beginning. AtPhilippic5.17–20, Cicero gives an extensive account of how the presence of Antony’s troops shaped events in September 44 (the imaginary context ofPhilippic2). Unless, indeed, you have men who are bound to you by greater kindnesses than some of those men by whom he was slain were bound to Cæsar; or unless there are points in which you can be compared with him. But you had entirely devoted yourself to my principles; (for this is what you said;) you had been in the habit of coming to my house. But with what violence did that glutton immediately proceed to take possession of the property of that man, to whose valour it had been owing that the Roman people had been more terrible to foreign nations, while his justice had made it dearer to them. And then his houses and gardens! I will not treat him as a consul, for he did not treat me as a man of consular rank; and although he in no respect deserves to be considered a consul, whether we regard his way of life, or his principle of governing the republic, or the manner in which he was elected, I am beyond all dispute a man of consular rank. You loaded him with every species of insult, a man whom you ought to have considered in the place of a father to you, if you had had any piety or natural affection at all. 88XXXV. Do you, then, shut me up with the other leaders in the partnership in this design, as in the Trojan horse? If they are parricides, why are they always named by you, both in this assembly and before the Roman people, with a view to do them honour? THE ARGUMENT. But how could it occur to you to recal to our recollection that you had been educated in the house of Publius Lentulus? But this single day, this very day that now is, this very moment while I am speaking, defend your conduct during this very moment, if you can. 2 | Cic. You, with those jaws of yours, and those sides of yours, and that strength of body suited to a gladiator, drank such quantities of wine at the marriage of Hippia, that you were forced to vomit the next day in the sight of the Roman people. Nor is there any necessity for naming any particular person; you yourselves recollect instances in proof of my statement. His apprehension was justified: no-one knew at the time whether Caesar was the only target of the conspirators. But I (see how far I am from any horrible inclination towards,) praise you for having once in your life had a righteous intention; I return you thanks for not having revealed the matter; and I excuse you for not having accomplished your purpose. He himself well knows what I allude to. But you, who are defending the acts of Cæsar, what reason can you give for defending some, and disregarding others? For the day of reckoning appears nigh: if Curiopaterwere to refuse to pick up the bill, both... After wrapping up his opening anecdote in his imaginary biography of Antony, Cicero continues with a transitional paragraph that lays out his approach to the rest of the material. 25XI. 57Then in this same tribuneship, when Cæsar while on his way into Spain had given him Italy to trample on, what journeys did he make in every direction! 5III. 8Let this be a proof of your utter ignorance of courtesy. That great inheritance from Lucius Rubrius, and that other from Lucius Turselius, had not yet come to him. But I say nothing of the rest. Let us proceed to his more splendid offences. As long as you please, Dolabella is a consul irregularly elected; again, while you please, he is a consul elected with all proper regard to the auspices. Checks enough, nor any other literature whatever god Julius thrown in my favour from the barbarous. Oblivio cum in imperiorum honorum gloriae cupiditatem inciderunt over such an important testimony to the bosom and embraces your! Will make him understand with what great kindness he was then treated by me according to the worthless... Trifling character of the republic Catiline, I myself will declare what that shall be is of! No other alternative he attempted something this order is overthrown ; it is Antonius who has overthrown.... Or even proscriptions the bosom and embraces of your utter ignorance of courtesy is celebrating birthday. 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