nematodes chafer beetle

If you discover a severe infestation (or have had chafer grubs in the past) then we recommed that you treat your lawn with Nemasys® Chafer Grubs Killer in April/May. Technically, these animals are actually helping you by removing the chafer beetles from your lawn. Formerly found only in continental Europe, this invasive species is now found at temperate latitudes in North America. Water your lawn. Beneficial nematodes are living organisms, so they must be used before the expiry date (which is marked on the inside of the pack and will be around 2-3 weeks) and should be stored in the fridge until it is applied. Treat the same area again for a further 16 minutes to apply the remaining nematodes as well as to make sure they are adequately watered in. Nematodes are a key ally for both organic & non-organic gardeners in controlling pests, are 100% safe for pets, children, birds, bees & other wildlife. How do you determine how to fertilize trees? Soil should be between 12°C and 30°C during application and for at least two weeks after. Below are some pictures showing the 3 main type of Chafer Beetles that are often found in the UK. The problem with these sprays, however, was that there is evidence that some of the ingredients used in them is harmful to pollinators. Give us a call to check availability. Rake and remove the pulled up sections. that stops the pest from feeding, quickly killing the grub. Please note: there is a two week turnaround for delivery on this product. There acticity can serve as an initial and ongoing risk assessment of future, potential chafer damage can be monitored by using an adult Chafer beetle trap. ; The next step involves killing the grubs with a product that contains microscopic worms called Nematodes. Previously, Nematodes were the only natural form of defence against the Chafer Beetle Grub. We are expecting our nematodes to arrive in the coming weeks and they go quickly, so don’t snooze. When his lawn got ripped up by animals searching for European chafer grubs, he was shocked. While nematodes are a good solution for many soil dwelling beetle species, timing is critical in the control of chafer beetles. There’s not a lot you need to do to keep your turf in tip-top condition, but since we may be getting a little more snow this year, we thought we’d go over a few tips on how to best care for your artificial turf over the winter. Here is more information about the chafer beetle… Biological pest control with Nematodes for chafer grub & leatherjacket in lawns / turf. Although many species of beneficial nematodes are available, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Hb) nematodes are most effective against Japanese beetles, European chafers and other grubs that are lawn pests. that stops the pest from feeding, quickly killing the grub. A few chafer species can damage plant roots including some that feed on turf (see chafer grubs in lawns ). Use Nemasys Chafer Grub Killer to deal with a chafer grub infestation, without any of the precautions associated with chemical use, such as excluding children and pets from treated areas until dry or the question of what to do about grazing pets, such as rabbits and guinea pigs. Most do not cause problems, some feed on decomposing vegetable matter and help nutrient cycling. The nematodes then reproduce inside the dead grub and release a new generation of infective juvenile nematodes. All Rights Reserved. Stag beetles are uncommon and cause no damage in gardens and should be welcomed. This tall fescue grass seed is far tougher than conventional grasses but still makes a lush, green lawn. Nematodes were found to be only around 60% effective while Grub Gone has been tested to be effective up to 90% (if used in accordance with healthy lawn care maintenance). Nematodes vs. European chafer beetles. Once inside, they release bacteria (Photorhabdus spp.) Adult Chafer Beetle are active in May and June. To calculate your area measure the width and length of the area to be treated and multiple them by each other e.g. Chafer Beetles - Identifying Garden Chafer Grubs, Summer Chafer Grubs and Welsh Chafer Grubs Identifying the species of chafer grub is quite difficult, but identifying the Adult Beetle is very easy. Chafer beetles appear to be spreading in our region. of the area to be treated and multiple them by each other e.g. Once inside, they release bacteria (Photorhabdus spp.) The large white c-shaped grubs of chafer beetles are sometimes found in gardens. If after your initial treatment you continue to have an infestation it is highly likely you have a more resistant strain of chafer, such as the 'Welsh Chafer' or 'Summer Chafer'. Add entire contents of the pack to feeder bowl. £36.99 ... Just Green CHAFER BEETLE LURE. The 'Garden Chafer' is the most commonly found chafer grub and is very susceptible to nematodes, but there are other minor species that are more resistant. Nematodes – Dealing with soil grubs & damaged turf - Weed Control Solutions, Roundup, Grazon, Mares tail, Glyphosate - Roundup pro Biactive, Grazon - … July - Apply nematodes. It is recommended that you apply nematodes to the areas of your lawn where you saw the most grubs in the spring or the most damaged turf area. To use you need to mix with water and spray with the Nematode hose-end sprayer. After all, it doesn’t seem appropriate to put our honeybee population in danger so that we can have pretty lawns, does it? The European chafer (Amphimallon majale classified as Rhizotrogus majalis prior to Montreuil 2000) is a beetle of the family Scarabaeidae. Chafer larvae can cause devastating damage to lawns. The application of nematodes involves soaking the treated area before and after so they can get down into the soil. People describe lawns that crows have ripped to shreds while looking for beetle larvae. The grubs feed on the roots of grass lawns. How do Chafer Grub Killer Nematodes work? You may need to apply for a water exemption permit, depending on water restrictions in your area. Apply a slow release fertilizer. October - March  - These months are when the greatest bird and animal damage is done, but there is no effective control at this time of the year. Nematodes, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, are microscopic worms that swim through the soil and attack the grubs. Sold in 2 sizes, all our prices include P&P. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, OUR STAFF WILL BE HAPPY TO TAKE YOUR CALL, © Art Knapp. How do you take care of artificial turf in the winter. New product, Spring application is despatched from mid-April to May, The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 1. This problem can be very frustrating, so a preventative approach should be taken if you do not yet have an infestation or if you have applied nematodes to battle a current infestation. Condition: Apply the nematodes according to the directions on the package. This Adult Chafer Beetle Trap uses a powerful pheromone to attract and trap adult chafer beetles, so it is ideal for protecting your lawn from this destructive lawn … This new method provides a simple and effective application, however, it is important to follow the instructions exactly to obtain even coverage. Avoid direct sunlight; make applications in the evenings or in dull conditions. Chafer beetle populations grow quickly, damaging turf on lawns, boulevards, grass sports fields and parks. Nematode treatment is a viable proposition for all turf & grassland. April - June  - Visit your local garden centre and pick up some nematodes. It's treating 31 sports fields with nematodes — a microscopic roundworm that feeds on chafer beetle larvae. They eat the roots of grass, causing yellowish patches to appear on the lawn. It has since spread to many Metro Vancouver municipalities causing considerable damage to lawns, boulevards, medians and turf in … The nematodes work in the soil by seeking out the chafer beetle larvae and attack the pest by entering natural body openings. The most serious damage is caused by birds, skunks, and other predators digging up your lawn in search of these grubs. Read more here. August - September  - Water twice per week. During this time most of the nematodes will have been applied. Wash the feeder through with water to ensure it is clean. If sustained this life cycle can lead to significantly reduced chafer grub populations in subsequent years. Some of the Chafer damage is caused by the grubs chewing at the roots of the grass, but much of it is caused by birds and animals scratching away at the soil searching for the juicy grubs. How do Chafer Grub Killer Nematodes work? |, Grass might have a “spongy” feel due to the grubs tunnelling below. Instructions for hose end feeder application of Chafer Grub Killer (100m2). The nematodes work in the soil by seeking out the chafer beetle larvae and attack the pest by entering natural body openings. Raise mowing height to 6-9cm and leave clippings if possible. One pack has enough nematodes to cover 750 square feet. Once inside, they release bacteria (Photorhabdus spp.) Rake and remove the pulled up sections. Use Nemasys Chafer Grub Killer to deal with a chafer grub infestation, without any of the precautions associated with chemical use and the assurance that they are 100% safe for children, cats, dogs, other pets and wildlife. Consider repairing your Chafer damaged lawn with our Art Knapp brand Drought Tolerant Chafer Resistant Grass Seed. Here in Surrey, the Chafer Beetle has become an increasingly serious pest and many homeowners are frustrated by brown, torn apart lawns. We’re going to give you some general tips on winter gardening. Treat Chafer beetle infestations naturally During the third week of July, complete these steps to treat the infestation: Buy nematodes (Heterorhabditis bacteriophora) from your local lawn and garden store. Once inside, they release bacteria (Photorhabdus spp.) Use Nematodes to Reclaim Your Lawn From Chafer Beetle Tri-City residents can start to reclaim their lawns from the European Chafer beetle by ordering nematodes now from garden stores and landscaping professionals, to apply around late July to mid-August. It should be emphasized that nematodes should be applied annually if the Chafer Beetle continue to be a problem in their area. Now the beetle invasion has come to Stanley Park. Luckily, there exists a natural alternative that is better for the environment - beneficial nematodes! How Do I Treat a Chafer Beetle Infestation? Here’s why; It’ll remove any excess lawn thatch and open the soil up to create a bed on which to grow new grass seed. The product has a 6 months shelf life. Chafer Nematodes 100sq.m + Coarse Watering Can Rose Garden Pest Control. There are a number of Chafer Grub species with varying levels of resistance to Nematodes. Chafer grubs can appear similar to the larva of the stag beetle (Lucanus cervus). In drier weather, the damage appears as brown patches in the lawn. For a long time, the most common way to treat these grubs was a pesticide spray. Generally as long as the grubs are near the surface and the soil temperature is above 12ºC (54ºF), nematodes can still be applied. Application during rain is highly desirable. If you treat in April/May you should treat in September AS WELL. The European Chafer beetle is a grub that feeds on the roots of plants. Chafer grubs (phyllopertha horticola), are the larvae of the chafer beetle that live in soil. Adhering strictly to the application timings will ensure that any remaining colour in the bowl will be due to inert carrier only and that you have performed an even application. Please, Hose End Feeder - Getting started and calibrating your flow rate, LeatherJacket Killer Nematodes - Applying with a Hose End Feeder, Measuring Soil Temperature - Applying Nematodes, - the UK's leading supplier of organic pest control nematodes. The Hererorhabditis bacteriophora is a nematode which moves through the soil. July - Apply nematodes. Keep your lawn healthy - chafer beetles are less likely to lay eggs in healthy grass. (Get event notifications, coupons & more). Chafer beetles have infested turf throughout Metro Vancouver, and lawns are being shredded by crows, raccoons and other animals looking for the high-protein beetle larvae lurking under the grass. These infective juveniles then disperse into the soil and search for further prey. It is common to see these animals foraging in the lawn if you have an infestation. Most of all, treating and preventing Chafer Beetle infestations require a lot of care and patience. Taking care to keep the feeder in an upright position apply evenly to the whole of the area for 8 minutes using a side-to-side motion to keep the nematodes well mixed. that stops the pest from feeding, quickly killing the grub. April - June - Visit your local garden centre and pick up some nematodes. The Nematodes are effective against grubs and the larval or grub stage of Japanese Beetles, Northern Masked Chafer, European Chafer, Rose Chafer, Fly larvae, Oriental Beetles, June Beetles, Flea beetles, Bill-bugs, Cut-worms, Army worms, Black Vine Weevils, Strawberry Root Weevils, Fungus Gnats, Sciarid larvae, Sod Web-worms, Girdler, Citrus Weevils, Maggots and other Dip-tera, Mole … In order to water outside the permitted watering times in the summer, residents must apply for a special sprinkling permit. He installed an irrigation system and hired me so his lawn could receive good, consistent care. It is important to keep the soil  moist for two to three weeks after applying. If you’ve had an infestation of Chafer Grubs the first thing you should do is scarify your lawn. Product successfully added to your shopping cart. The chafer beetle has been the bane of many a West Coast lawn as crows, raccoons and skunks rip up the ground in search of tasty larvae. One of my clients on the Westwood Plateau in Coquitlam loves his lawn. Chafer grubs are the soil-dwelling larvae of chafer beetles. However, larvae of the stag beetle are always associated with dead wood, usually tree roots and can reach 11 cm long (nearly 4 inches). Nematodes are naturally-occurring microscopic roundworms, which move through wet soil seeking out the chafer. This is when the young grub larvae are active and most susceptible to the nematodes and the temperature is consistently above 12ºC (54ºF). Nematodes are a natural way to treat lawns infested with European chafer beetles. We supply microscopic beneficial nematodes (eel worms) which are watered into the lawn. Birds and animals (especially skunks and crows) cause further damage by digging for the grubs. Water the lawn again after the application to push nematodes into the soil. Step 1: Scarify Your Lawn. Nemasys Chafer Grub Killer is a chafer grub treatment containing Heterorhabditis bacteriophora a species of native entomopathogenic nematode (microscopic worms) which controls infestations of chafer beetle larvae naturally, safely, and effectively.. Products containing the Heterorhabditis bacteriophora nematodes for chafer control are available at … The most definitive way to check for an infestation is to pull the grass back and physically check for the beetles. Winter gardening means different things to different people. 3.3 out of 5 stars 17. They are safe to use. In order for the treatment to be successful, we recommend Surrey residents apply nematode treatment in July and August for best results. The European Chafer beetle (Rhizotrogus majalis) is a serious pest in Eastern North America and was first identified in the Lower Mainland region in New Westminster in 2001. Make sure your grass is getting regular fertilization and liming, proper aeration, and keep grass longer. 2020 . They are not dangerous to humans, animals or to the environment. The nematodes work in the soil by seeking out the chafer beetle larvae and attack the pest by entering natural body openings. Applying Nematodes to Battle the Chafer Beetle Nematodes are microscopic round worms, a naturally occurring organism. Beneficial nematodes are tiny parasites that enter beetle larvae and kill them. Beneficial nematodes have been shown to be as much as 96% effective against Japanese beetle grubs in field studies. They are not harmful to humans, pets or other animals, including bees and earthworms. Technically, these animals are actually helping you by removing the chafer beetles from your lawn. Nemasys Chafer Grub Killer is a chafer grub treatment containing Heterorhabditis bacteriophora a species of nematodes which controls infestations of chafer beetle larvae naturally, safely, and effectively. In drier weather, damaged caused by the grubs feeding on the roots of the lawn results in brown patches. Fill the bowl with water before attaching the hose. The chafer grub burrows holes through vegetation including lawns, resulting in large patches of bare brown grass. These ingredients were banned in BC and, as a result, these products were taken off the market. Nemasys Chafer Grub Killer - (100 sq m) Spring / Summer Application, Nemasys Chafer Grub Killer is a chafer grub treatment containing. It is advised to apply at double strength and more frequently in order to try to combat these grubs however this is still not guaranteed to combat the more resistant strains. The nematodes that you order through GardenWorks are H. bacteriophora, they are a cruiser species of nematode that actively seek out chafer grubs, essentially moving through the soil to find them. Firstly by directly reducing the … Can't see an answer to your question? They are creamy coloured with an orange head and are about 1.5 cm in length, they have distinctive legs and will be found in the grass roots. By Vas Sladek August 1, 2016 No Comments. Please contact us and we will be happy to assist you. We have recently gotten several comments in response to last year’s blog post about chafer beetles. 5m x 20m = 100 sq.m, Can't see an answer to your question? It was first identified in the Lower Mainland in New West Minster in 2001 and has since spread to many municipalities across Metro Vancouver. There is the issue that not all jurisdictions allow the application of this insecticide. These traps are useful in two ways. Make sure to keep them refrigerated until the application day – these are living organisms. Nemasys Chafer Grub Killer should be applied to moist turf. 5m x 20m = 100 sq.m. The nematodes work in the soil by seeking out the chafer beetle larvae and attack the pest by entering natural body openings. How Do I know if I Have a Chafer Beetle Infestation? Take controls of the health of your plants by gettong rid of white grubs (European chafer, Japanese beetle and June beetle larvae), leatherjackets, fungus gnats, onion maggots, cutworms and sod webworms. that stops the pest from feeding, quickly killing the grub. These biological predators are specific to the chafer & will not harm plants, people or pets. How do I prevent a Chafer Beetle Infestation? If you find more than 5-10 grubs in a 30cm by 30cm section of grass, you likely have an infestation. Because it does not produce thatch, it is not attractive to the Chafer Beetle. a species of nematodes which controls infestations of chafer beetle larvae naturally, safely, and effectively. For beetle larvae one pack has nematodes chafer beetle nematodes to Battle the chafer beetle has become an increasingly serious and... And many homeowners are frustrated by brown, torn apart lawns my clients the... 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